Why is a Great Web Hosting Provider So Important?

What is Web Hosting

First, it is important to understand what exactly this whole web hosting thing is. All websites are stored on a  server (yep… ALL of them!), which is called a “Host”. When someone punches up your web address (such as http://webworthy.design) into their web browser (you know, that thing you’re using to read this right now) they get directed to a web server that’s “hosting” your website’s files, the browser requests to see them and the server shoots them back so the browser can read them and turn them into your site… it’s easy to see why you want to use a reputable web hosting company!

Here are some things that make up a great hosting provider:

  • Your Website Will Be Available When It Really Matters
    The more your website is available online, the better chance you have of selling your products to customers and services to clients.
  • Fast Loading Websites
    With 50% of the web being surfed on mobile phones, loading speeds are more important than ever! Don’t lose viewers because they got bored of waiting!
  • Live Customer Service
    Running a website isn’t always easy, whether you are experienced or not, so it’s important you have a web host that is always there if you need their help. Having reliable and knowledgeable live support, when you need it, is crucial. If you have an issue with your site, getting it fixed fast… otherwise your website will suffer, which mean your visitors will suffer, which means your business will suffer!
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    Search engines penalize websites that go down a lot, so it’s very important to choose the right host, especially if you have spent the time getting your search engine presence perfected!
  • Price
    Last but not least is price! No one wants to feel ripped off… so this is often the first thing people will look at when choosing a web host. How much is it going to cost? Of course, you’ll want to choose the most cost-effective host.

Ok ok! So Who Do You Recommend?!

After a ton of research (and trial and error), we ourselves use Hostinger. They address all the issues mentioned above! They have 100% uptime (the only provider we’ve seen so far with that score!), extremely fast loading times, their customer service has been top notch… in turn leading to some of the best SEO you can expect from your hosting choice, and some of the best prices on the internet!

And when we create your site, that’s who you’ll be on too! That’s how confident we are with them, we put our brand on the line by using Hostinger!


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