Why Switch to Responsive Web Design?

Your website is the face of your business and it speaks volumes about who you are to your visitors. It’s often the only determining factor in a potential customer’s.

Now that we have the power to access the Internet from numerous devices, website design needs to transfer to all potential visiting screen sizes. Previously the resolution has been to built as a separate website design for each device, ultimately costing more time and money. However, now there is a method to create one design that remains consistent across all devices. It is called Responsive Web Design. Why switch to Responsive Web Design? Read on.

1. Save Money

Before Responsive Web Design, creating a mobile/tablet/e-reader version of your website was complicated and expensive. You were forced to build completely different designs that weren’t transferable to other devices. The cost to develop a separate version for an Android, an iPhone, and an iPad, and a Kindle, and a laptop, is ridiculous. Not to mention this development absorbs a lot of time.

With Responsive Web Design there is only one design to create because the fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries will conform to the size of the screen. Enter benefit two. (P.S. want more to learn about the technical terms? Head to the article Responsive Web Design by Ethan Marcotte)

2. Preferred Viewing for Best User Experience

You know those websites that annoy you because you have to constantly zoom in and out on your smartphone to read/do anything on them? Those are the sites that haven’t converted to the fluid grids of Responsive Web Design.

Responsive Web Design allows for the design to be flexible and fit to the size of the viewing screen on the device. Since Responsive Web Design conforms to the screen, you give your viewers the best experience while on your site.

Since users won’t be fighting to navigate your website with Responsive Web Design, they are generally happier to spend time there. Another aspect of Responsive Web Design is that it allows you to contour content to each device. For example, mobile users will likely want to call or find quick basic info. In this case, you would make the contact information (phone number, address..etc) more prominent and easily accessible. This makes user experience easier and overall more enjoyable.

Another tangible benefit of Responsive Web Design is that it helps with your Search Engine Marketing/Optimization (SEM/SEO). Since every link will have the same URL, there will be no duplicate versions of your own site to compete with for rankings (or accidentally sending your visitors to the wrong version of the site). This will also hold true for sharing your site on social media networks because all traffic will be driven to and from the same source.

These are just three of the many benefits of Responsive Web Design. Responsive Web Design’s ability to adapt and translate across devices is how modern web design should be. It is good for your wallet and SEO rankings, but it also will have a positive impact on your consumer relationships. As technology keeps improving and our access to the internet continues to expand, your need for Responsive Web Design grows exponentially. If you find yourself in need of help with Responsive Web Design, hiring a digital agency, like Webworthy Design, is your best bet. With experience working with Responsive Web Design, the experts at Webworthy Design can transform your website for today’s digital world.

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